Better than good greetings, in Jesus’ most colourful name!

I know certainly that you had an undeniable encounter with our Lord Jesus today at church, & I believe that encounter will last you your life time, in Jesus’ most colourful name!

In our Holy Ghost Service at King’s Delight Church Global this morning, it was awesome, as one man received Jesus into his heart as Saviour & Lord, & also confessed Him with His mouth, & three other persons rededicated their lives unto the Lord.

We give Him all the praise & glory!

In church today, we continued in our teaching series, Living In Total Health!

Remember, everything that Jesus came to do for us include our Total restoration in Him, as it is written in Colossians 2.10: “And ye are COMPLETE in Him, Who is the Head of ALL principality & power”:…

There is an account in John 5.1-9, particularly verse 5, of a man who had SUFFERED WITH A DEEP-SEATED & LINGERING DISORDER FOR THIRTY-EIGHT YEARS(Amplified version); “…who had been ILL for thirty-eight years(New American Standard version); “One was there WHO had been an INVALID for thirty-eight years”.(New International version).

This man had an encounter with our Lord Jesus & that TERMINATED the suffering of thirty-eight years!

Scriptures tell us in John 5.8-9 that our Lord Jesus spoke to the man, & “INSTANTLY, the man became WELL & RECOVERED HIS STRENGTH…”!(Amplified version)

Halleluyah! Glory!

By the Word of God, I speak to you in that suffering & deep-seated, lingering, invalid & ill condition, that, YOU RISE UP & BEGIN TO DO WHAT YOU’VE NOT BEEN ABLE TO DO BEFORE, in Jesus’ most colourful name!

We are going to ask three questions today & answer them by the standard of the New Testament in the wondrous blood of Jesus.

  1. What are you eating? What you EAT determines YOUR STRENGTH & RATE OF GROWTH. One day, a young boy was asking permission from me to allow him pick agama lizards around our fence, outside.

I was curious, so I asked him what he wanted to do with the reptiles.

His reply actually stunned me!

He said his mother produces herbs & the agama lizards are part of the ingredients.

I didn’t bother to probe further.

Those are the herbs, prepared with other unhealthy things, & also enhancements, that even some Christians consume by way of securing total health!

Some swallow drugs like poultry chicken, & some, hard drugs.

Some take alcoholic & tobacco beverages, & all manner, & very interestingly, they twist Scriptures to their harm!

However, God gave us clear prescription for our TOTAL HEALTH.

Jeremiah 15.16 tells us that we should look for the APPROPRIATE WORD OF GOD & EAT!

Proverbs 4.20-22 make it clear that the RIGHT WORDS MUST be found because the Word of God is LIFE & HEALTH – TO ALL THEIR FLESH, BODY, A MAN’S WHOLE BODY(King James, Amplified, New American & New International versions).

In 2 Timothy 2.15, we are very much instructed to avoid shame(even In our HEALTH & other areas of our lives) by STUDYing to show ourselves APPROVED TO GOD…RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD…

When the Word of God concerning our TOTAL HEALTH IS RIGHTLY DIVIDED, we are now to EAT IT IN ORDER TO LIVE BY IT – Deuteronomy 8.3; Matthew 4.4.

In Jeremiah 15.16 earlier referred to, the Prophet of God recounted that when he FOUND & ATE THE WORDS, THEY(THE WORDS) BECAME THE JOY & THE REJOICING OF HIS HEART, BECAUSE HE’S CALLED BY THE NAME OF LORD GOD OF HOSTS!

Now, let’s quickly look at Proverbs 17.22 in relation to our TOTAL HEALTH: “A JOYFUL, CHEERFUL HEART IS GOOD MEDICINE BUT A BROKEN, CRUSHED SPIRIT DRIES THE BONES”.(New American Standard & New International versions)

When you locate the RIGHT WORDS OF GOD & YOU EAT THEM(meditate, think deeply on & in them to get good understanding – for favours – Proverbs 13.15, muttering them to yourself, always, speaking them to your body, you become hopeful & joyful because your identity is tied to the Lord God of hosts, Who will always show up as Jehovah Rapha – Exodus 15.26 & Jehovah Your Strength – Habakkuk 3.17-19).

Satan & his powers of darkness of course, don’t ever want you to be happy in our Father, Lord Jesus & Lord Holy Spirit, so that your bones should be dry & not enjoy your TOTAL HEALTH!


Your body is not dumping ground for the wasters of life, rather your BODY IS THE TEMPLE OF GOD & HIS HOLY SPIRIT, & we relate with God(& in life) with His Word & He also relates with us by His Word.

Jesus gave us that example in Matthew 4.4; John 4.32,34-38, when He told Satan that man must live by the Word of God; & His MEAT, FOOD is to do the WILL, WORD OF GOD.

He further charged us to LABOUR FOR THE BREAD, MEAT THAT DOES NOT PERISH – John 6.27.

In fact, He tells us that He’s the BREAD OF LIFE! John 6.35.

God & His Word are inseparable, John 1.1, so when you EAT His Word, you’re EATING Him – John 1.14, then, He SHINES, BURNS IN YOU AGAINST ALL POWERS OF DARKNESS THAT WANT TO EAT UP YOUR FLESH – John 1.4-5.

Some Christians put up excuses of not having adequate time to read & study God’s Word, & I also wonder how such people find time to eat, sleep, socialise & do other things in spite of their official duties.

In Acts 17.11, we are told of the Christians in Berea who on a DAILY BASIS SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES TO FIND OUT THE TRUTHFULNESS, GENUINESS, VALIDITY OF WHAT THEY WERE BEING TAUGHT…the result, they were more NOBLE…(I believe also, in their HEALTH), & the very interesting thing is that they have just 24 hours in the day as those who give excuses!

You can please check the Amplified, Message, New Living Translation & King James versions of the Bible.

Beloved, it’s time to place top priorities on matters of eternal value & stop looking for options – Matthew 6.33; Colossians 3.1-2.

2. Who & what are you looking at? Who you look at determines who you become – Hebrews 12.1-2 – & what you look at determines what you do – Luke 4.17-19.

Who you become & what you do play vital roles in your TOTAL HEALTH – Hebrews 10.7,5; Joel 2.7-8; Ephesians 2.10(Check Amplified version for Ephesians 2.10)

The Christian is to look at Jesus – Hebrews 12.2; Numbers 21.8-9; John 3.14-15; 12.32.

The Christian is also to look at those who through faith & patience obtain the promises – Hebrews 6.12; 11.

3. Who are you following? Who you follow determines where you end up & what you enjoy or suffer! Remember Abraham & Lot?

Scriptures plainly instruct & admonish Christians in this matter, as Ephesians 5.1; 1 Corinthians 11.1; 10.4; 4.16; & Hebrews 6.12 tell us to follow God, Christ & those who got it right, the right way!

What must you do to stay in line with the aforestated Scriptural answers & demands?

  1. Walk in faith & be motivated by love – Galatians 5.6. Jesus is the Author & Finisher of our Faith – Hebrews 12.2 – but He’s also God’s Love personified & exemplified. Let us take grace to follow His steps – He NEVER FAILED & CAN’T EVER FAIL BECAUSE LOVE NEVER FAILS! Hebrews 12.28; 1 Corinthians 13.8(a).

This is your week of favours, in Jesus’ most colourful name!

Stay ever HEALTHY with better than good testimonies, in Jesus’ most colourful name!



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